Feel free to ask for help - fergusskateclub@gmail.com
PreCanskate is a program designed for those skaters who have never been on skates before, or have had limited experience. Groups are small and there is more one on one interaction for the skaters to build the basic skating skills needed to enter the Canskate program.
Canskate is our general skating program for those who want to continue to build their skating skills and a stepping stone to other areas of skating whether it is Figure Skating, Hockey, Ringette or just skating to stay fit. Skating experience is necessary to enroll in this program (must be able to skate, not shuffle), if your child has never been on skates before or limited experience, our PreCanskate program is for you!
Figure Skating : STARSkate
By Coach Recommendation
Junior STAR continues where Canskate finishes with an emphasis on Figure Skating specific elements. Dance, Skills and Freeskate are introduced at the STAR 1 level. To register for this program completion of Canskate Stage 3 is required, please contact fergusskateclub@gmail.com for additional information.
Intermediate STAR is a combination of Dance, Skills and Freeskate from the STAR 2-4 level.
Senior STAR is a combination of Dance, Skills, Artistic, and Freeskate from the STAR 5-GOLD level.
*** If you are interested in Star Skate Registration, please contact the club's email.
This website runs on a platform which requires that your browser be up to date. If you have trouble viewing or accessing information, please ensure that you have the latest version of your browser installed - whether it be Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.
Skate Canada Membership Fees: This fee has been increased by Skate Canada for the 2024-25 skating season. The fee is collected by the skating club as part of your club fees, and then submitted to Skate Canada.
It covers skater insurance as well as development of skating programs,certification of professional coaches by Skate Canada and Safe Sport initiative. If you have questions about the Safe Sport Program, please contact safesport@skatecanada.ca.
The Fergus Skating Club will be collecting $62 in addition to the club program fees for submission to Skate Canada.
Winter 2025 Skating Registration
is now Closed
Skating Lessons Cancelled Family Day
Monday February 17 due to poor driving
CanSkaters and PreCanSkaters
Did you know that plastic skates do not enable your skater to skate properly and will hold them back from learning proper skating technique? Please ensure your child has proper figure skates or hockey skates to help your skater reach their highest potential.
If you have any questions please email the fergusskateclub@gmail.com.
***Please refer to level requirements on Program Pages for accurate class listings
Parent & Tot
5:00pm - 5:30pm
5:45pm - 6:15pm
5:00pm - 5:30pm
5:30pm - 6:00pm
5:35pm - 6:15pm
5:35pm - 6:15pm
Junior StarSkate & Intermediate StarSkate
5:30pm - 6:30pm
6:25pm - 7:20pm
Senior StarSkate
6:30pm - 7:50pm
7:20pm - 8:20pm
All StarSkate
6:15pm - 7:50pm
Star Practice
4:30pm - 5:30pm
4:30pm - 5:30pm
Fall Session runs through September to December...
Winter Session runs through January to March...
Spring Session runs through March to April...
Please direct any questions or concerns to fergusskateclub@gmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.